This is my personal blog, in an early stage. Mainly, it’s an experiment with Hugo. Please imagine an animated construction worker gif here.

Painless self-signed certificates

How to quickly create a self-signed TLS certificates and convert it to common formats.

Whenever I needed a quick self-signed TLS certificate, it took me ages to get the command line parameters to openssl right.

This code snippet creates a key and certificate for localhost that is valid for approx. 1 year in PEM format. It also and creates a PKCS 12 store and a Java Keystore containing the same certificate and private key for easier re-use in applications requiring these formats.

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GIT and OpenSSH with multiple identities

How to set up GIT and OpenSSH for multiple identities, also with PaaS like GitHub/Gitlab etc.

If you use your computer in multiple contexts (private, work, multiple client projects), you might run need to use different identities for these contexts. For git this usually boils down to

  • different SSH keys for remote pull/push
  • different names and e-mail-addresses for the git commit log

This can be a pain to work with – after trying multiple solutions I found on the web (or puzzle pieces thereof), I created a combination that works completely automatic once it’s set up, and that I think might be worth sharing.

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git  github  ssh